FAQs and Policy Hub
We are always on-hand to answer questions from prospective service users, commissioners, NHS workers, local authority staff and the general public.
We have attempted to provide answers to commonly asked questions on this page. If you cannot see an answer to your question here then please contact us for further information.
Frequently Asked Questions
We support adults of all ages with most falling within the age range of 18-35. Our support in the community is provided to both male and female service users. Our supported living service is mixed sex. Our residential services are currently male only.
We provide support depending on the individual’s needs. This could be 1:1 or 2:1 or any other ratio that works best.
Yes, we support many people with complex needs, including those with a range of physical and mental conditions.
We have mixed sex support workers of all adult age ranges in all our services.
Yes, we support individuals to attend group activities. We are also in the process of setting up our own community hub sessions where our service users, and people from other services can join together to enjoy activities such as cooking, art, sports and games.
We support people to attend community facilities. We are also currently investigating options to setup our own purpose built community facility.
We support service users to attend the activities they wish to make use of – this might be anything connected with community based activities, attending college, volunteering or seeking employment.
Yes, we offer support and coaching for all of these activities.
We encourage and support service users to use public transport where possible as this promotes independence. We do however have 2 vehicles, currently based at our residential services that we use to provide transport to service users where appropriate.
Yes, we can help facilitate a direct payment through our network of contacts.
Yes, we can support people to get to college and we can also support them at college if required.
We offer supported living from our newly created supported living service in Kingswood (BS15). This is a 5 bed detached house. All bedrooms have en-suite shower rooms.
We currently offer support across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire. We have a residential home in Clifton Bristol, and we have a supported living service in Kingswood and Weston Super Mare. We also have a Respite Service based in Weston Super Mare.
Cintres long term strategy is to grow, there are opportunities for the services to grow further and cover other geographic areas.